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(October 26, 2012)The band and dancers enjoyed another successful trip to DePanne, Belgium to perform in a concert.
The poor weather didn't dampen the band's spirits, or prevent them from investigating the local hostelrys! Despite the icy, windy and wet conditions, several lunatics enjoyed a dip in the sea and displayed their credentials to the locals.
We were delighted on this trip to be joined by our younger members, musicians and dancers aged from 5-16 years. They were an absolute credit to the band, rehearsing and performing to an incredibly professional standard, even until 1.00am.
It is vital for the band's survival that young people become part of our organisation, and with this bunch, our future seems in safe hands.
Thanks must go to their parents for accompanying them on the trip, to our dance instructor Amanda Mackinnon who prepared the dancers so well and to Corporal Colin Brickles for his excellent tuition, (and endless patience), with our trio of tenor drummers.